Complaint or return of goods

If you wish to open a complaint or goods return procedure, justify it by entering the data in the required fields.

Our staff will review your request and provide guidance on how to proceed. Consult the return policy to find out if the return complies with the rules accepted through this LINK For all other problems, please consult the Help Desk page

Enter the username you created when registering
Fill in the filds below, they are present in the e-mail you received arter the purchase.
Consult our policy on the processing of personal data from this LINK

Oreficeria Talamelli s.n.c.
Registered office: Corso Cavour 8
Cap: 06012 Città di Castello - PG - Italy
VAT: 01964720452 - Rea: 170786
Privacy & Cookie Policy

Città di Castello (PG) Italy Shop
Corso Cavour 8
Phone +39 075 8558398

Sansepolcro (AR) Italy Shop
Via XX Settembre,94
Phone. +39 0575 454269


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